תנועת הקיבוץ הדתי
חסר רכיב

Hebrew Ulpan Programs (English)


Hebrew Ulpan on a Religious Kibbutz


-         Learn modern Hebrew while spending a few months in Israel.

-         Live and work on a Kibbutz; experience this unique lifestyle firsthand.

-         Share the Israeli experience with peers from around the world.


Ulpan Program:

The Ulpan program combines work and language studies on kibbutz. The program also includes extra-curricular programs, social activities, and Judaic enrichment.


  1. Hebrew language studies: 24 weekly classroom hours are devoted to the study of modern Hebrew on two different levels. Classes are held in the morning and afternoon and are supervised by the Ministry of Education. Upon the conclusion of the Ulpan, students take a national competency test and are eligible for a diploma. Class participation is mandatory.
  2. Work: Ulpan participants are required to work 24 hours per week. Places of employment are determined as needed by the Kibbutz.
  3. Social Activities: The late afternoon hours are set aside for social activities such as touring, enrichment classes, social programs, leadership training, volunteer work, etc.
  4. Host Families: Each participant is assigned a host family on kibbutz and is free to visit and spend time with them at their leisure.
  5. Shabbat and Holidays: The Ulpan group celebrates Shabbat and holidays together in a religious atmosphere.


Duration of the Program:

The Ulpan is approximately 5.5 months long – 155 days.


Admission Criteria:

1. Ages 18-28

2. Good health suitable for work conditions on kibbutz (Approved by physician).

3. Committed to a religious lifestyle

4. Personal interview with a representative of the Kibbutz HaDati.


1. Registration fees: $50 (non-refundable)

2. Tuition:

New immigrants: $300 (not including airfare) to be paid upon arrival at Kibbutz.

Tourists: $2550 (not including airfare) to be paid at the local emissary's office abroad. "Project Masa" offers a partial scholarship for tourists on this program. (Details from the local emissary or Kibbutz HaDati representative abroad.)

Tuition includes medical insurance for tourists.



- Housing in the Ulpan dormitories on Kibbutz. 2-3 per room.

- Participants have access to a social hall, television, and computers with internet access.

- 3 full meals served daily in the Kibbutz dining hall.

- Laundry service is provided.


Ulpan locations:

- Hebrew Ulpan on Kibbutz Be'erot Yitzhak

- Hebrew Ulpan on Kvutzat Yavneh

- Hebrew Ulpan on Kibbutz S'deh Eliyahu


Ulpan Information for 2006-7


Hebrew Ulpan on Kibbutz Be'erot Yitzhak

Kibbutz Be'erot Yitzhak (near Petach Tikva)


Opening dates:

January 16, 2007

July 16, 2007


Contact Details
Esther Forscher
Phone: 972-3-9371972
Mobile: 050-7537136
Home: 972-3-9371870
Fax: 972-3-9334991


Ulpan Be’erot Yitzchak, Kibbutz Be’erot Yitzchak 60905

Hebrew Ulpan on Kvutzat Yavneh

Kibbutz Yavneh (near Ashdod)


Opening dates
September 5,2006,
March 5, 2007


Contact Details
Daliah Hekscher / Meshulam Chwat
Phone: 972-8-8548311
Mobile: 050-6422971
Fax: 972-8-8548323


Kvuzat Yavne 79233

e-mail: Miriam@kv-yavne.co.il

Hebrew Ulpan on Kibbutz Sdeh Eliyahu

Kibbutz Sdeh Eliyahu (near Beit Shean)


Opening dates
September 10, 2006,
March, 2007


Contact Details:
Techiya Tamari
Phone: 972-4-6096531
Mobile: 054-5640685
Fax: 972-4-6096531


Sdeh Eliyahu

email: ulpan@seliyahu.org.il

חסר רכיב